Monday, March 17, 2008


Jack and his hunters become less civilized after killing a pig. What activities in everyday life seem to make people less civilized? For example, do video games or movies depicting violence make people more prone to committing violent acts? Does participation in certain sports? Does possession of guns or other weapons?


Anonymous said...

I think polluting can make a person seem a little uncivilized. Polluting hurts our environment and doing it shows that you don't care. When you see someone polluting you might think that person is lazy and can't take a little extra time to throw away their trash. A little extra time throwing away your trash could make a difference. A civilized person would care about the environment he lived and would go the extra miled and throw away his trash or recycle. When I see someone picking up trash that someone left I respect that person. Pick up your trash and show that you are civilized.

Joshua R.

Anonymous said...

It seems that everyday, the headlines of our newspaper get more and more familiar, "Columbine school shooting, "Virginia Tech Massacre", Attack on Amish Schools." All were printed in this past decade. What is triggering this acts that seem to becoming more popular in our society? some people will blame, such as Stephen King’s novel, "Rage", a film, "The Basketball Diaries", and the Pearl Jam video, “Jeremy.” Also parents are now saying that the violent videogames are also an issue to this uncivilized manner. I beleive that growing up watching these things all the time, make the idea ok, when its not.

Anonymous said...

I think video games, music vidios,types of music, peer pressure and possession of weapons all play a role in the violent acts that young people committ. For example: the new Sean Kingston music video has a half-naked woman dancing on a pole in front of a lot of guys and getting a lot of attention. Why wouldn't a young girl want to dress like that to get a famous icons attention? But this also atracts the attention of men who cannot control theirselves. I hink you get where i am going with this.
Also, all of violent video games that these young boys are playing lead to them wanting to crash cars and beat up someone just for the heck of it. I think this plays a role in the youths attitudes now a days.


Anonymous said...

Yes, people prone to violence show intrest in vidoe games where there are guns and killing. Some of the people have attitude problems and yell and scream at others for no aparent reason. personally I think video games contribute to many of the anger problems people have. Such as when thet can't pass a certain level or kill a certain person the scream and get mad at the game when it is their own lack of skill that is root their problem.


Anonymous said...

I think that playing video games such as "GRAND THEFT AUTO 3, and ASSASSINS CREED," are very uncivilized. Playing these video games as children lead them to think that doing this stuff is okay. that is how the world today is uncivilized.
Kalyn Y.

Anonymous said...

i think that playing football make us less civilized beacuse if you look at it its a bounch of men if pads hitting each other at full speed.Yes it is entertain but at a price.Most pro football players suffer from more then one concussion. some even die from brain tumor. this effects change how a person acts on a daliy basis.Even making them uscivilized.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Monthie

I think that when kids that are not mature yet see, or play video games that have alot of violence in them will become more prone to violence, becouse in the game they do not get in trouble for there actions. So thinking that they can do that in the real world to others, or themselves and no one wil get hurt. Then in result they make mistake of harming or hurting others around them thinking they will be ok like in the games they have played.


Anonymous said...

Those are very good questions that I can in four simple answers. I don't know, most likely, maybe, and definitely yes. The reason I sayed definitely to the last question is because people have guns think they can do whatever they want.

James B.

Anonymous said...

Josh M-
I believe people carring around weapons such as guns and knifes would make them more likely to use them against people.
I also think that video games such as Halo and Gears of War are a bad example becaus it makes kids agressive and makes them feel like it is okay to go and kill other people. Tv today is also bad their are music videos with half naked ladies and mention killing. Little kids do not understand everything they see so they are more likely to follow this path.

Anonymous said...

I believe that there is a certain stress point in any rigorous activity that causes the brain to rely more on animal instinct than logic, therefore making the person seem uncivilized. Such as fights. You get mad at the other party. The adrenaline starts pumping. Then before you even think about your next move, your on top of that person pounding there face in. It all goes back to that animal instinct, because we are in fact animals by nature. In everyday life theres ignorant people yelling at eachother over simple stuff, such as whos turn it was, or what something should be like. Ignorance makes a huge percentage of the world seem uncivilzed.

Ryan "THE GREAT" Lee

Anonymous said...

Things in everyday life can contribute to being uncivlized such as school for example cheating is both unethical and uncivilized. The most recent acqusations of being uncivilized has had a big contribution to video game violence such as Colombine where those killings something that one of those kids saw on a video? Movies on the other hand have been blamed more than games because its more real life physical violence like gangs and mofia type scenarios that could have the potential of being acted out by pre teens and teens. The issue of gun control has recently been brought up again and while we do have the right to bare arms some people abuse that right and keep weapons on them that could be used to harm other people. The possession of weapons does make it easier on people to cause dismay but on the other hand we shouldnt completley take our guns away. As far as activities go, in high school it is a privilage to be in athletics and you have a coach instructing you on what to do and what not to do and whats good tactis and whats wrong tactics so activites can be supervised so they couldnt really get that outta control. -Leigh Ann

Anonymous said...

I do think that video games, movies, music videos and music alone, depicts violence in the world. Alot of parents let their young and teenage kids go to the movies or listen to whatever they want and they wonder why their kid(s) are getting ideas about violence, cuss words, and get ideas or say the wrong words. And it's becauase of all this junk they play on movies, music videos and in the lyrics of music. -Karinna Lynn A.

Anonymous said...

I think video games, and movies with violence, can change a persons actions, because they are learning more violence and polluting their minds with junk. Just like some rap songs always is promoting killing and doing drugs and kids think they have to be that way so some kids follow the lyrics to the songs. Some activities in everyday life that make people less civilized is they dont do athletics because their not very good at them but really they just are lazy and dont want to try, but i think athletics can help you be more civilized, and social. Lacey Voss

Anonymous said...

I think people that drink on a regular bases or do druge, are less civilized, as well as other things. Video games especially, are bad for young people i believe because they are always killing people or other objects and it always has bad things. Movies are also bad because they always influence bad behavior, but some are good. i think that it could make people violent toward others. Guns and other weapons for people that aren't well civilized i think that it could cause violent behavior.
chelsei ehlers

Anonymous said...

People, while playing certain types of violent games, may become more violent, but usually they need more than just a simple game, but also support. I think when people do certain things, as in not throwing away their trash, playing graphic and violent games, or just listening to another person who is not mature enough to throw away their trash, leads to uncivilized and unhumanable acts. They begin to get use to being lazy and letting their surroundings and enviroment rot around them, not doing anything about it. People also begin to think its ok to do things that not allowed, but they think its ok to do it becuase they were able to in a game. Those types of people began the grammar that is used against them, to show how they are.

Tyler S.

Anonymous said...

Getting angry over nothing can show that you are not civilized. Blowing something way out of proportion is no way to handle anything. Just take a deep breath and count to ten then rethink the problem.

Brady S.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I think that the whole video games to blame bit is pure nonsense of parents trying to blame their child's deficiencies on something else other than BAD parenting. But in truth, that's all it is. Parents nowadays don't bother to discipline their children as they should. They give them cell phones, money, whatever they ask for without having to work for it. I was raised in a very well disciplined household, and frankly, I abhor violence. I also do own a video game system and a few violent games. And yet I am a very nonviolent person. I've played Gears of War, and Halo 3. It didn't do anything to me. Frankly I think it's the lack of discipline and the fact that these people weren't shown HOW to do the right thing or that it is completely and totally necessary to do so! I also worked for months for the money it took to by my games and system, and I'm just fine. So no, I don't think video games cause violence, or sports, or the possession of arms. I think that the only thing or person to truly be held responsible for their actions is that person. They made the choices, not the game.

Faran B.

Anonymous said...

I think that playing video games with a lot of violence in them is uncivilized. It gets you used to being violent and killing people. Some video games are just about doing drugs and killing people and people shouldn't really do that.


Anonymous said...

In response to Tyler S. I say, Maturity doesn't affect throwing away your trash. Honestly, it's simply a habit if you do. No one thinks, Oh yea man, I'm on my way to adulthood, I put my trash in the trash can. Yea, no. Instead, that hinges on whether or not we have been taught to develop that habit, it doesn't affect your maturity.

Faran B.

Anonymous said...

Movies and TV shows give the older people ideas such as rape, murder, and other types of violations, it also gives ideas to the younger ones too. Video games are even worse for everyone because of the animation, it almost looks as if it were real life, your also the one competing, you have all the weapons, guns, knives, swords, etc. All this makes people uncivilized, they think since it's happening on TV and in video games it's okay to do it to others even though they are not just characters.

Lisa M.

Anonymous said...

In response to Randall, Ah but does the playing of games instill that, or is it simply the side of human nature that craves an outlet. Don't blame the game, blame the player.

Faran B.

Anonymous said...

The idea that violent related games or movies have an affect on us is not completely absurd but fairly accurate. I do have to agree with the belief that these types of things have an effect on the way people's minds works. Video games can be very influential to people and the outcome of their actions. While this may be true the fact that people decide their own fate and choices is also correct. I believe that our human nature and free will gives us the ability to make our own decisions and whether or not we let inappropriate actions of movies or games guide our life.

Alex M.

Anonymous said...

Many things seem to make people less civilized, such as violence in video games or movies. I think that the news is just as bad. The news is everywhere, and they show all the bad people in the world to everybody. There is'nt enough positive things on the news anymore. In my opinion this really shouldn't matter if you have common sense, but sadly, not many people have common sense and are affected in the wrong way. They end up doing stupid uncivilized things. Which in turn make our society today look uncivilized.

Brandon B.

Anonymous said...

Yes those things can make people seem less civilized to a degree. But are those the only things? No. The environment you grow up around has a lot to do with it in my mind. If your parents so not care about what they do or what they, you will most likely turn out the same. Or maybe if you live in a neighborhood where shooting and killing is a common occurance, you could possibly turn out the same also.